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  • Savannah West joined the lab as a graduate student in the Molecular and Cellular Biophysics Program.

  • Elias DeWitt joined the lab as a graduate student in the Chemistry and Biochemistry program. 

  • We went to the annual Biophysical Society meeting in Philadelphia.

  • Megan Hulser graduated with her B.S. Chemistry degree in June and heads to Boston University in the Fall. 

  • Andre Allen, Lyin Ghadri, and Noah Fahlin joined the lab as undergraduates.

  • Alan's paper was accepted to the Biophysical Journal.

  • Michelle was promoted to full professor. 


  • Rakib Miah joined the lab as a graduate student in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Program.

  • We went to the annual Biophysical Society meeting in San Diego. Brody Bills presented a poster.

  • Michelle became a Faculty Mentoring Liaison for the NSF ADVANCE grant at DU. 

  • Zdenek graduated with his B.S. Chemistry degree in June and heads to Columbia for graduate school.

  • Brody graduated with his PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biophysics and is now a postdoc at the University of Oregon.

  • Alan got a job as a Research Engineer at the Knight Cancer Institute at the Oregon Health and Science University. 

  • Olivia Harman joined the lab and received a Summer Funding Award from the Undergraduate Research Center at DU.

  • Michelle presented at the Biophysical Society's Membrane Fusion and Budding Conference in Estes Park, Colorado. 

  • Michelle received an NSF grant to study how Phospholipase D regulates Exosome Secretion. 

  • Brody's paper was accepted to Molecular Biology of the Cell.

  • Michelle participated in the Facilitating Mentoring training as part of the CIMER program at the University of Wisconsin. 


  • Melodie Nguyen joins the lab. She's a Ph.D. student in the Molecular and Cellular Biophysics Program at DU. 

  • Megan Hulser joined the lab (actually in 2021)

  • Anarkali Mahmood, ZdenÄ›k Otruba, Melodie Nguyen, Brody Bills, Max Palay and Alan Weisgerber submit their work on exosome secretion kinetics and tethering. 

  • Anarkali Mahmood defended her Ph.D. 

  • We went to the annual Biophysical Society meeting in San Francisco. Brody Bills and Alan Weisgerber presented posters. 

  • Our review paper on MVE docking and exosome secretion was accepted. 

  • Max Palay graduates with his B.S. Chemistry degree in June. He's off to UCSD for graduate school. 

  • Alan graduated with his PhD in Chemistry.


  • Alan published some of his recent work on dye - substrate interactions that affect measurements of molecule mobility:

  • Michelle received a mid-career focused, NSF award from Molecular and Cellular Biophysics division entitled " Application of quantitative imaging methods to identify molecular components of multi-vesicular body fusion sites"

  • July - Michelle and Alan submitted a paper entitled "Dye – Substrate Interactions Affect the Dynamics of Extracellularly Labeled Membrane Proteins" to BBA Advances

  • Max Palay received funding for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry for summer research.

  • ZdenÄ›k Otruba received funding from the Undergraduate Research Center at the University of Denver.

  • Undergraduate in the lab, Ellis Stice, graduated! 

Alan at BPS 2020_edited.jpg


  • Michelle, Brody and Alan attended the annual Biophysical Society meeting in California. Brody and Alan presented posters on their research and Michelle spoke at a sub-group meeting. 

  • Michelle received funding from the NSF for Brody Bills to work with Recalibrate Solutions. The work will involve developing a lateral flow biosensor for cortisol. 


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  • Cole Pollina received a PinS grant from the Undergraduate Research Center for research on lipid - dye interactions

  • Cole Pollina won an award at the University-wide poster session on research.

  • Angel, Cole, Trey and Rida graduated.

  • Amira Reyad joined the lab for a summer internship. She was awarded a grant from Amherst, where she attends. Amira is working on visualizing what proteins exosomes colocalize with using confocal microscopy. 

  • Michelle received the University of Denver's Barton Weller Chair award for 2019-2022. 


  • Michelle is awarded an NSF grant to study the role of phospholipase D in neurotransmission

  • Broderick Bills, a biophysics graduate student, joins the lab.

  • Aubrie Blevins, an undergraduate, was awarded PinS funding from the Undergraduate Research Center at the University of Denver. This will fund her project on Cholera Toxin B membrane binding. 

  • We published a paper with the Huffman Lab.  Way to go Amani! 

    • doi: 10.1007/s00216-017-0779-7

  • Michelle presented at the Colorado Single Molecule and Membranes Meeting. 

  • Alex Chase was awarded the Chemistry Department's Analytical Chemist of the Year award. 

  • At the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Alex Chase and Aubrie Blevins presented their research. Alex won third place in the poster competition and was noted to be very innovative.

  • Tania Wyss joins the lab. She is working on a collaborative project with the Chapman lab at DU. 

  • Ronald (Trey) Berry was awarded funding from the Undergraduate Research center to perform research this summer on SNARE proteins.

  • Amira Otmane was awarded the first ever Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship from the Department of Chemistry. She will work on single molecule RNA work in collaboration with Erich Chapman's lab. 

  • Aubrie Blevins, Alex Chase and Je Yoo graduated!


  • Anarkali Mahmood joins the lab.

  • Alan published his first paper with Philip Cheney and Alec Feuerbach in Membranes

  • Aml Alnaas, Carrie Moon and Mitch Alton published their work on the membrane curvature sensing ability of C-reactive protein in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 

  • Michelle presented the CRP work at the Biophysical Society meeting.

  • Carrie defended her dissertation work on C-reactive Protein.

  • Alex Chase, an undergraduate, was awarded funding from the University of Denver Undergraduate Research Center to do research in the summer.

  • Henry Cai published a collaborative paper with Prof. Scott Reed, Stephen Budy and Desmond Hamilton from University of Colorado Denver. 

    • doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2016.10.022


  • Aml Alnaas defends her dissertation and graduates with a PhD. 

  • Carrie Moon presented a poster on her work on C-reactive protein at the University of Denver graduate student research day. 

  • Henry (Yuheng Cai) pubished a portion of his work in JCIS.

  • Aml submitted her work on C-reactive protein for publication.

  • Alan Weisgerber and Alex Chase join the lab.


  • Alec Feuerbach recieved funding from the Undergraduate Research Center at the University of Denver. 

  • Michelle gave a talk at the IEEE Colorado meeting on Gold Nanomaterials.

  • Philip Cheney received a scholarship from the Chickasaw Nation. 



  • Michelle receives an NSF - CAREER award entitled "Biosensor Development for Probing Nanoscale Topology in Neurotransmission"

  • The University of Denver hosted the Colorado Single Molecule and Membranes Meeting (4th annual CSMMM), where Michelle gave a talk and Philip Cheney presented a poster.

  • Carrie presented a talk at the Regional APS meeting in Arizona

  • Aml Alnaas and Carrie Moon present a poster on their work on C-reactive protein at the University of Denver graduate student research day. 

  • Henry (Yuheng Cai) defended his thesis on "Lipid-Coated Gold Nanoparticle as a Biosensor for Lipid-Protein Interactions"

  • Henry (Yuheng Cai) and Carrie Moon present posters at the National American Chemical Society meeting in Denver, Colorado.

  • Mitch Alton received funding from the Undergraduate Research Center at the University of Denver for the summer. 

  • Michelle becomes a Marie Curie and VINNMER Fellow

  • Michelle receives funding from Vinnova for her sabbatical in Sweden.

  • Michelle joins Sebastian Barg's lab in the Department of Medical Cell Biology at Uppsala University for a year long sabbatical. 

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